Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Covering up those pesky gray hairs...

So I started to dye my hair about 1 year ago when I noticed more little white hairs then I could pull out. I realized that if I pulled out every white hair I would literally be bald. So when doing my research there are two at home options for in between professional coloring appointment at the salon .

Option #1
Aveda Clove Color Conditioner for $18.00 for 8.5 oz.

Option #2
Roux Temporary Hair Rinse for $6.59 for 15 oz.

I love Aveda Clove Color Conditioner the best. I wash my hair (my shampoo choices are another post!) and then put in the Aveda conditioner. I use a hair claw to tie up my hair while I finish the rest of my shower. At the end of my shower, about 10-15 minutes later, I rinse my hair. I'm left with brighter, bouncy, smooth, frizz-free and amazing smelling hair. I've noticed about 2 months of use (about 3-4 times a week), I've had to use less product to style my hair and that my hair is fuller and more bouncy. I haven't yet tried the shampoo but it's doesn't have as much pigment hence why one liter is only $31 and is meant to be rinsed out. I def. say if you can only spend the money on one hair product, the conditioner you will get more bang for your buck.

Next is the Roux Temporary Hair Rinse. This is the best post shower hair color option that can be used daily without damage to your hair or color. Once you towel dry your hair, you add about 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup depending on your hair length and color and dry immediately. One bottle with 3-4 times a week use should last about 6 weeks. I would highly recommend using an old towel to drape your wet hair to eliminate any stains on your clothing. Once dried the hair color is set and will last until your next shower. It's a bit messy and hard to travel with but it's true to it's color and it's great for those 1-2 weeks in between coloring where you don't want to mess with demi-permeant hair color. It def. does take some time getting used to, but after a few tries it's super easy and can easily be a part of your routine!

Two thumbs up for covering up grays without anyone knowing :) Well except now you all know my little secret weapons!

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