Tuesday, August 7, 2012

First "must" have product of the day!

Since my Mama travels all the time and hates to check-in her bag, our first product that is a must have is:

Travel Space Bags from the Container Store in size M (14x20) for $6.99 for 2 bags.

It fits perfectly into a carry on rollaway that is between 20-22 inches high. One bag can hold 4-6 cardigans depending on thickness and reduce it by a min. of 50% in size without a vacumm. This is esp. good when Mama goes shopping and buys too much :)

The best part of the bags is that takes just as much room as your standard hotel room dirty laundry bag. Mama recommends you always carry two, one for your dirty clothes and one for any new purchases or when you are traveling during the winter time and your clothes tend to be heavier and bigger. Maybe I'll be lucky and get Mama to bring me back something since she has all that extra space in her suitcase?

My overall review? Two paws up!
How to Use

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