Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I love all things savory!

$42.00 a lb for salt? I thought that was outrageous but once you have tried Dean and Deluca's Fleur de Sel you will see why it's worth it.

You can buy an 8oz jar for $21.00 online but at the stores it is running about $30.00. If you use their communal jar on the deli counter where the deli person helps scoop it in a flimsy container it is only $35.00 a lb. Totally not worth it esp. when you know it's been sitting out for a while.

Why on earth would anyone pay $42 a lb for salt? The taste. Hands down it is the most flavorful and yummy flavored salt I've ever had. I use it on salads, veggies, steaks, everything and anything I cook/eat.

Just 1/8 of a teaspoon with an egg really brings out the egg flavor without the briny flavor that traditional table salt has.

My favorite way to use the salt is on salad. I use a pepper grinder to grind the salt more finely, mix with olive oil and dress my lettuce. It's absolutely divine! Sometimes I have a plain arugula or spinach salad with just salt and oil. No need for the fussiness of balsamic or lemon.

For those carnivores, I didn't forget you. This is the best salt marinade you can possibly have. A little goes a long way. Just use this salt as you normal would and it tenderizes and flavors the meat in a way that is heavenly. The last time I did just a traditional 2 parts salt to 1 part pepper marinade for my dry aged filet, my Mom even asked me if she could take home the meat juice to use the next day for her leftover steak that she was going to eat with a salad. Yup it makes even the meat juice better than normal. I'm still waiting for an occasion where I can make prime rib and use this salt for a crust. I'm drooling just thinking about it.

Overall just do it. Try an 8 oz container for $21.00. I guarantee you will be hooked like me. I can't even use regular salt ever since I've discovered Fluer de Sel. Two thumbs, toes, arms and legs up!

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