Wednesday, August 8, 2012

BB's all the rage!

I've noticed that BB cream is all the range. Everyone from the big expensive cosmetics company to the drugstore brands are coming out with different BB creams.

What is BB cream? It's a moisturizer, primer, sunblock and foundation in one.

Since I've started to use BB cream, I've stopped using foundation and my skin is significantly healthier and softer. I love BB cream.

Just as a note, a lot of the drugstore BB creams or BB creams from American cosmetics company such as Clinique are too pink for me. If you are Asian like me, I would strongly recommend a Korean brand BB cream as the yellow will match your skintone the best. After all, Korean people are very into beauty and tend to make the best beauty products. The one that I like that is mid-range in terms of price and is from Dr. Jart+.

I use the Dr. Jart+ Water Fuse Beauty Balm with SPF 25 from Sephora that is $34.00 for 1.7 oz.

A tube will last me about 6 months with daily application and two applications every weekend. My advise when using this is to apply this heavily. This is not a product that you want to apply a thin layer on your face. Once you let it "set" or dry for about 30 second to 1 minute, I set it with either pressed powder or loose powder. After that your skin will look natural and completely flawless.

If however, you have a blemish or spot you want to cover you can put that on after your BB cream, but before your powder. My recommendation for concealers will be in another post :) Stay tuned.

Overall, my advise is that BB cream is not a fad. I think it's here to stay. It's better than a tinted moisturizer since it provides more coverage without feeling heavy. It's lighter than your traditional foundation which is great for those of us who want to wean ourselves off the heavy foundation look. It's a primer for your nights out you can still put foundation on top of the BB cream and it makes it stay the entire day and/or night. The best thing? It's got sunblock, SPF 25 which is great for daily use! Given that we need to protect our skin, what easier way is it to have a product that is all-in-one?

Two thumbs way up esp. for the SPF built in!

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