Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Cusco and Urubamba River, Peru: Day Six (4/18)

Day Six in Cusco, Peru

This morning we had to get up early to have a quick breakfast and head to our tour company's office to get picked up to go river rafting in the Urubamba River. At 9:30 AM we were off on a two hour bus ride up the mountain to the North end of the Urubamba river. After suiting up in wetsuits and getting a quick orientation, we were in the raft with our guide, Alex and our friends, Brian and Kat from Washington, DC. We started off slow on class 2 rapids working our way up to class 4+ rapids.

It was an amazing rush going through the rapids, water splashing our faces, ducking and fast paddling to stay afloat.

Yet the biggest rapids were still to come. There were a few times we almost lost passengers or we were about to tip over. It was so the most fun I have ever had river rafting. I loved every second of it.

The calm before the storm. Our final and most water rushing rapid for the whole trip. Talk about an adrenaline rush.

Two hours later we reached our base camp and hit the sauna to dry off from the freezing water and avoid the bone chilling wind. After a quick change into dry clothes, we sat down to a late lunch of hot tea, popcorn, fresh bread, quinoa vegetable soup and roasted chicken with wild rice and vegetables. Sadly, I forgot my waterproof camera so I can only post pictures that I bought of us actually in the rapids.

After lunch, we had the option to zipline before heading back on the bus for a two hours trek back home to Cusco.

When we got back to our hotel and had a quick pre-trip brief of our 2 day Inca Trail hike with Llama Path, we headed to dinner at Bodega 138 with Brian and Kat. We were famished and ordered two pastas, 4 different kinds of pizza and alfagores with dulce ice cream. After dinner we went back to our hotel to pack up for our hike to Machu Picchu.

*Shameless Plug* If you are in the DC area, please like and friend Basil Time, Brian's food truck :)

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