Wednesday, February 27, 2013 ultra bug saver

Every time I travel to a tropical area with bugs, I get nervous. Let's admit it, mosquito bites aren't the end of the world but they sure are a pain the butt. The itchy and gross swollen red bumps don't exactly scream fun times.

My go to product is 3M's Ultrathon Insect Repellent for $9 at your local sporting good store like REI.

Why this one? There are several reason:

1. It's military tested. If it is good enough for people who are serving our country to use in combat, I'm sure it will be suffice for my vacation.

2. It's only got 34.34% DEET. A lot of products with DEET are 100% which is not good for long term use of 2 weeks, even on vacation. I personally would like the minimize the amount chemicals I am using but at the same time I would rather go effective as use the minimal amount needed.

3. It's waterproof/sweatproof. When you are in tropical or humid climates, what's the point of having bug repellent when it comes off the minute you step outside. You need something that will hold up to humid, human sweat and mother nature. Ultrathon def. can.

4. Long lasting. Ultrathon lasts up to 12 hours before you need to reapply. I apply once in the morning before going out and once before dinner if I am going to stay out at night. I've have had to apply more than 2 times to prevent nasty little bites.

5. Two Ounce Size. It comes in a travel handy size so you don't have the mess of transferring it to a small container.

Overall, it's cost effective, works, and doesn't cause a ton of trouble applying or washing off. One tip, don't wear synthetics or silks while using this product. But then again, when your sweating and in bug country, the best thing to wear is cotton. Duh!

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