Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Frankfurt, Germany & Cairo, Egypt: Day One (11/20)

With no direct flights to Egypt, we flew on Lufthansa and transited through Frankfurt. Being a Star Alliance Gold Member, we went to the lounge to have some free food and drinks. We had some awesome pretzels, pickles, sausages and mushroom gravy. Why can't airline food on the plane be as good as the lounge?

The first day in Cairo was a quick one. We arrived at 7:00 PM local time and went through Egyptian customs, bought a $15 USD visa and headed through crazy traffic to our hotel, the Fairmont Heliopolis hotel near the airport. When we arrived, we went through a metal detector and our bags were scanned. That def. made us feel safer that they took security seriously. While waiting in the lobby to be checked in by our tour representative, Mohammed Basheer we were lucky enough to see an Egyptian wedding that was about to begin. Apparently, the Fairmont hotel was famous for hosting rich and famous Egyptian weddings. After checking in, we explored the Fairmont hotel which was host to 15+ restaurants under one roof but being jetlagged with an early flight the next day, we skipped dinner and went straight to bed.

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